The more we keep abreast with the happenings while Christmas gives us days off - the more we hear of tragic events: 6 dead, 20 missing in Batangas ferry sinking; Mt. Mayon's impending eruption keeps everyone on its toes as to exactly when and what is expected this time; terror attempt aboard an airplane just when it landed in Detroit airport.

It is but inevitable that we pray for better things this New Year. Let 2009 be but please bless 2010. Let it be a year that brings good luck to all the families; more peace and harmony especially between parents and children.

Forthe New Year, Teacher's teacher wishes: more followers who will not just visit the blogspot but communicate more actively - give constructive comments; more links opened and if at all possible link with me first; upload videos to inspire and become more uphgraded in the technical aspect of blogging; use the blogspot to reach out to as far a place can be ane bridge gaps where it exists.


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