This multicab was our vehicle as we launched our immersion activities in Sunflower, Kalasungay, Bukidnon. In fact when we arrived in the purok, there was a meeting. We were given enough time by the purok leader to introduce ourselves and the rationale behind our visit.

During the immersion experience, the NSTP-Literacy Training Service students asked the question: are we ready to travel trough life's ups and downs? Teacher's teacher hopes to share the learning insights of her students anytime soon.

In the meantime, may we also ask you, fellow bloggers-readers: Are you ready yourselves? With El Nino and all other financial constraints that get in the way to make our lives more bearable, we have to hold on to our faith. Always be anchored with God for with Him, everything is possible.

A text message just reached me from a loved one telling me she is very tired as she goes about her job. All I could advice was to remain positive, hold on to God's saving grace.

So, ready for life's ups and downs? On our own, we can never be but with God's help, we muster the guts to say: Welcome life!


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