CNN always delivers such that like the tsunami that hit Japan- its effects and damages are seen in every way: video, audio, still pics and the like. For teachers, the materials are exactly what are considered beyond books. Teachers can almost imagine every pupil and student transfixed as they hold on to what is being shown, teaching them in live color what a tsunami is and how it destroys everything that gets in its way.

For the onlookers, you might think it is awesome but for the victims, it means life or death.
Worst quake in Japan's history:8.9 in intensity. Tragedies of any kind always remind us "how fragile life is" according to U.S. President, Barack Obama.

Life, however, has to go on. This is where you and I can do something - big or small. Like the teachers in the Professional Studies Division, College of Teacher Education, plan to resume the rosary time daily - which is timely since the season of Lent has begun.

May God take care of Japan and the whole of mankind.


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