Have you had the experience of feeling you just have to speak out about certain issue and you did in one forum and yet after doing so, the feeling was one which is empty? This is my present predicament. The feeling is so all embracing, it is already CSI time, my favorite tv feature in Channel 22, AXN, the "bile" is still in my consciousness.

This leads me to the observation that it is better to keep mum or better still to become passive for as long as the benefits are there. What do you think?

Teachers, in general, prefer the latter than the former, I hasten to add. Or am I wrong?

So as I go on watching CSI, I will also go on reflecting on the dilemma I am in. I pray that tomorrow, I will wake up refreshed, renewed and re-oriented and geared for a better perspective on matters that only the day brings.

Have a "Suka" - not Duka" night. (A Malaysian taught me, duka means sad in their language while suka means happy.)


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