September 11- Ten (10) Years After

Will there be an attack - God forbid, again? We pray, never again, please God.
Ten years ago, I was watching CNN when - like a dream - I saw the two planes hit Twin tower, one after the other. Then news continued saying another one hit a part of Pentagon, what?  Then and now, my feelings never changed - that of shock, shock and shock! I wanted to believe it was just a movie or that it was just one of those slides or clip misplaced or something but never real. A joke?
All these are  memories of September 11 that was an attack on humanity by terrorists. Ten years later, an attempt to re-build a  twin tower as a symbol of moving on. In an Interview with Matt Lauer  in Today, he took time to talk with some of the engineers who confirm that the building is a testament, a statement to rebuild, to recover.The new building will be ready in 2013. I will retire in 2015, Please God, allow me to see the new twin tower!
For us teachers, events like this, give us talking points: Can hatred to humanity be such that persons behind this inhumane attack on mankind  still deserve to live? Where do they come from? an offshoot from hell? What kind of heart and conscience do these plotters have? Do they have any- if at all? If words are not enough at least in thought we can rely on our faith to hold on. Think good, Think God. 

May I end with a prayer . . .
God, Father of us all, this is one time when we become one in your name however this name may be.
You made us out of love but sad to say we do not return this love same way - rather we see hatred in kind: attack on the Twin Tower, wars everywhere, hatred among family members, clash among tribes, crimes of various kinds especially against the helpless - the children, destruction and abuse inflicted on Mother Earth, all the other manifestations of sins that are negations of what we are yet  you alone see its reasons for happening.
How can we ever account for all these transgressions? How can we ever look you in the eye without bowing our heads in shame?
Father God, we can only plead for your generosity and endless love. We beg for your mercy.
Lift us up and once again bless this earth you so kindly entrust to us. Visit our hardened hearts and help us know you are there.
Father God, please hear what words can not be said but we utter in faith. You alone know where this world is heading. We offer everything to you- the good and the bad.
You made us out of love but we know you alone know whether we have returned this love or not.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. Amen.


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