Leaders are our role models. So when they die, all the followers are sad. What is lost is not just one life but a life that is difficult to emulate. In the case of Moammar Gadhafi, Libyan prime minister, he must have been a role model one time being a leader. In the course of time, he must have lost this side of him for he wanted absolute power just for himself which is the tendency when power becomes absolute.

What lesson do we get from a person's death? like Gadhafi's death. One is the confirmation that whatever power we possess it is not self-serving but a temporary trust given to you with a consequent accounting of what you have done with it. Another is the fact that life is a one-way traffic such that when our time is up - what follows is no longer ours to decide so we are under the mercy of God's justice. Still another message is the legacy we leave behind. Others rejoice when you die because a tyrant is gone or they are saddened because your presence is always "sunshine after the rain", rainbow after the pain.

Let us always go back to our own lives and reflect on what we have done and are doing with this one life we are given.


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