Are you? If you are, please reserve December 27-29, 2011 for we the graduates of Bukidnon Normal School, way back 1940's to 1980's; Bukidnon State College way back 1980's to 1990's and Bukidnon State University, from 2000's to the present will have a grand reunion. The dates alone will tell you how grand.

Feel free to contact this blog through your comment if you are one of us but may not be able to come personally since you are now somewhere in another place scattered all over the world (what a term but what an achievement many graduates have achieved!) This blogger had been away from her alma mater since 1072 and only came back when fate destined it. Indeed destiny had a role to play for after teaching for so many years in different schools, am now one of the faculty members of the College of Teacher Education of Bukidnon State University and recently designated as the Guidance Counselor. Along the way, generous people like Ma'am Linda, Ma'am Remy and Sir Vic helped a lot in bringing me back to my native home, my land of birth and my alma mater. Hopefully, I will retire from the university in 2015 whether this blogger likes it or not (can you guess why?)

So are you by chance, a graduate of Bukidnon Normal School? a graduate of Bukidnon StateCollege? or a graduate of Bukidnon State University? Let us celebrate our homecoming on December 27-29, 2011 if not physically - at least spiritually . . . If you want to reach out do write in the comment portion and this blogger will give you more information. Initial responders? See ya!


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