Earthquake hits Carraga region, Surigao del Norte -  intensity 6 - Many wounded but thank God no one died.
Luis Gonzales, the actor during our younger days, died.
News, like these, puts us back to the daily grind of life. there is a continuous ambivalence between life and death; death and life.

What explanation can we reflect upon on the perspective offered before us: One has to die in order to live. For us who have lived for more than 50 years and have taught for more than four decades, we tend to agree in the philosophical sense that one has to die in order to live. "To die" in this instance refers to a change of viewpoint  such that one has to be humble enough to apologize if someone has been hurt. The cycle of starting all over again after a hard defeat is tantamount to dying to one's pride and accepting change painful it may be. It is only when someone becomes open to what life is telling you that better things might crop up unnoticed.

Still death is a reality that needs all the strength to hold to God's invitation for submission. It even redirects our vision to where life is supposed to be headed: towards a life which is not to live in this Earth for eternity but through this earthly life become a better person,made in the image and likeness of God. In Faith, one day we 

To Boni, the father of my four children, our prayer: Eternal rest grant unto him O  Lord.  And let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen.


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