It is hard to think of summer without thinking of some kind of vacation to a place outside of home - whether local, regional, national or international. One's dream journey is of course to go abroad what with all the exciting but affordable package trips. This is the summer blows in store for those who have not traveled to Hongkong, Macau, Zhenshen, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur. This Asian tour can become your trip of a lifetime such that all other trips are not as scary as we used to think. However, this same trip can become your Summer blues if you did not prepare enough or you were not given the necessary kits how to manage when you are part of a package tour. There is no dilly dally, slow movements if you want to hurdle the schedule which will really be demanding  on your alertness and energy.

This early, at least before May comes, learn how to cope with what might be expected of you by keeping your- self fit and healthy. Take your regular vitamins and if possible, exercise. Prepare your prepare rubber shoes, your favorite handy carry all bag and most comfortable get up.  Make sure you are going with family or well chosen friends. We hear of traveling companions who quarreled when they reached their destination because one of them felt she was left unattended or not given enough time to keep pace. The owner of the hotel was so aghast looking at middle aged women shouting - at least - using their native tongue so not everybody knew what the shouting bout was all about. All the other members of the group were disheartened and would you believe, when they went home, coincidence perhaps, one of the group members died due to anxiety and added stress!

Learning how to cope with summer blues and blows begins with your own attitude towards life and what it is all about. After all, one can stay at home and come up with productive activities enough to fill your entire summer. Whatever you decide, ENJOY!


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