Teaching moments of brownouts

You can call it teaching moments because the bias is that of being a teacher but learning moments sound even better because all of us are learners since the topic deals with brownouts that really test your patience beyond compare.
Perhaps it is an exaggeration so let us settle with coping while the brownouts occur. One, you get inspired to reach for a book and with candle lit surrounding, you read: Good for your spirit and peace of mind. Two,  you growl and gnash and pray for sanity while thinking about the incapacity of all the energy servers- for not upgrading enough to deal with climate change. Three, you congratulate yourself for accepting the travails of life and heaving a sigh, still smile once the lights are on! Four, you prepare for the next day's brownout and the next day's brownout and the next until one day, the brownouts get minimized and no more . . .


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