So many years have passed and here once again the day when United Nations Day should be celebrated. This teacher can not but help ask again if in fact there is enough rationale to celebrate this day if there is a big question hanging in the air:  Are the nations united that its unity is celebrated? 

Without being cynical, there is some semblance of unity for if there is not then wars will have its way. We just have to stay long enough to watch what is shown on the television set that disunity is a reality but so is unity. Wars and conflicts are usually magnified so we get the feeling that the world is chaotic but we have to be patient enough to let the other television channels give a balance presentations and true enough e see the glimmer of hope that there is unity after all.

So let us celebrate United Nations Day because the mere fact of recognizing it is celebration enough and another chance to give unity a chance is a gift to mankind especially the young.

Happy United Nations Day then to you out there and may unity be born right in each person's hearts.


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