Anderson Cooper of CNN is currently interviewing the nurse, nurse for 26 years, who helped evacuate babies during Superstorm Sandy. This alone is one lesson learned: she was doing her job she says but she tried to do her job well and quickly added, it was a team work and not her alone- humility in action.

Gary Tuckman reported about a man who did not give a helping hand to a mother whose two sons were left in their vehicle. While the man explained his side, still a lesson can be learned from this scenario, that regardless of one's situation, one has to help even if Tuckman did comment the law does not call it a crime NOT TO HELP.

What has happened in New York, New Jersey and the rest of the world is another learning lesson: that the world is a temporary residence and as such, we have to be prepared in a spiritual manner. Today, All Soul's Day and yesterday, All Saints' Day are learning dates to imprint in our minds and hearts which the Scripture captures with depth: "Death is like a thief in the night".  If there is one lesson we can always treasure it is the gift of giving one's life through sheer generosity and volunteerism that even death is no longer a fearful event but a hope that greater life which has no end may jut be waiting the giver and the volunteer.

"May the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen."


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