It is interesting to note that one can be a neophyte teacher or a veteran mentor but we are basically the same in pursuing the mission. Indeed an anonymous writer was correct when he/she declared teaching is the  State noblest deed. Every teacher goes on learning either as a mentor or as a person who teaches.

Take the College of Teacher Education of Bukidnon University, December 4-8 is Education Week for us and today, being December 7, is Demonstration Teaching Contest with me as one of the judges. Take a look at the criteria we used so you can comment or get some tips should you hold one in your school. The contestants are second year to fourth year college students who are enrolled in the College of Teacher Education taking  Elementary Education, Early Childhood Education or Secondary Education.

I.  Teacher's Personality (10%)  

A.  The teacher contestant appears neat and well-groomed.
B. The teacher is free from mannerisms that tend to disturb the student's attention.
C. The teacher's personality is strong, enough to command respect and attention. 
D.The teacher shows dynamism and enthusiasm.
E. The teacher possesses well-modulated voice.

II. Content (35%)

A.  The teacher demonstrates in-depth knowledge of the subject matter.
B. She/He is able to relate lessons to actual life situations.
C. She/He is abreast of new ideas and understanding in the field.
D. She/He gives sufficient and   concrete examples to create meaningful learning experiences.

continuation in the next blog . . .

In the meantime, may I know if you agree with the criteria or are their comments you can give? 


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