For the visit it was first Sri Lanka then the Philippines. The dates came and went, January 15 to January 19, 2015. To this day, it was like a whirlwind for we did not have enough of his awesome smile and generous aura but he had to go back to Rome.

In my case, way back 1971, I saw Pope Paul VI  up close in Quezon Memorial Circle. I cried   treasured the rare moment. Forty-three years later, I say Pope Francis, on tv, and I also cried. As teachers, we realize the roles we play being the second parents of our learners, but with the Pope, he lifts all of us to a metaphysical level and there are no more categories. With Pope Francis as the Vicar of Christ, we are all brothers and sisters and he has come to tell us of God's love.

Pope Francis, we love you.


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