Hurricanes, typhoons, fire,

United States is bracing itself for the coming of Irene (my daughter's name is Irene!) so what are the preparations? Who is Irene? Sorry, but this is one instance the coming is not welcome, what with Irene called the "hurricane of historic proportions". Every channel you view has its strong winds and huge waves plastered all over the areas.
When things like this happen, it is not difficult to expect other catastrophes join in: typhoons or fires. It is only during these fearful and traumatic scenarios that man resorts to prayer. This too is what this blogger can offer to those who will be hit along the paths of destruction.
Just moments ago, our home was visited by strong winds and rain. My favorite garden umbrella got ripped and we waited for other objects to fall or get deformed  but  just as quickly the winds and rain came, suddenly it stopped! After we collected the debris and the torn garden umbrella, all we could do was sigh and utter some words of gratitude nothing major happened.
Asa teacher, events like this, become points of reflection about the many trials that haunt us every other day or month or so. While we go through these low moments of our life, nothing seems to make us smile or laugh yet just when we give up or offer all these thunderstorms that take away our prized possessions, the gloom disappears. Others even take the loss as reminders of the temporary nature of our lives on earth. Others emerge victorious after the hurricanes of life.
To Americans and other fellow journey companions, let us think positively and believe all these things will come to pass. . .

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