American Idol is a great tv program. It makes us dream to become a singer one day and if not, at least just sing, hopefully with the correct tune!

Am sure you agree that teachers are singers, yes? Sometimes it is facilitated by the requirements of effective teaching. Sometimes it is declared by the personalities of teachers who come in different shapes and colors but definitely always talented. Yes? YES! Teachers are singers and if you still do not know or you disagree, please check it out. Your mother is your first teacher and am sure you agree she is a great singer, YES? YES! Your elementary teacher teaches you nursery rhymes and definitely sings it first before you manage to imitate and sing it correctly well and correctly tuned too. Many more teachers come to your life and sometimes, these moments make you think so deeply you compose a song or a poem and if at all possible, a book.

Today, May 24, Thursday in the Philippines, at a time when American Idol is waiting who will become the next American Idol, a sixteen er is teaching us to love singing and one day use it to go to better opportunities to earn more or just love it for one's use.

Still, my theory is teachers are singers and great at it. Yes? YES!

There is one realization one has to come to grips with: how be financially stable and remain decent in your life till the end.
There are tests that all of us have difficulty overcoming  because it is enjoyable to do it again and again. There are many opportunities that life offers to each of us to begin again every time we fail to do good. This is the beautiful part of life's promise: We can continuously teach ourselves to do better every time we fail. There are even instances when what matters alone is the time you stand up after a fall and move on.
The twist of life's twists is that there are not so good things we do and keep on doing because we enjoy doing it. there are even moments when you have to scold yourself for being weak and sometimes cry and curse if only to awaken and really do what is better than the best so far.
So when it seems you find this dilemma up front: do not be so hard on yourself. Life is short and smile over this failure. then teach yourself again and again, like a child who seems to be in exhaustively open to life,

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