Events of the world tell us that elections matter especially when the country that elects its leaders is USA. For Filipinos for example and I am one of them I like Obama to be reelected. One reason is because my daughter was able to avail of the International Visitors Leadership Program that allowed her to visit USA. Another reason is because Obama represents an everybody's wish to experience USA either as a tourist or as an immigrant. Others may add their own reasons but we know that regardless of who wins, USA is a friend of the Philippines and vice versa.

So at 2:00 or 2:15 a.m., November 7, here is this blogger sharing to the world through her blog her enthusiasm to know who is going to become the next USA President. CNN says it is a tight race because all the polls show that while Obama leads it is not a big lead: Obama 49 vs. Romney 46 or in some cases even a tie. Today shares that in Dixville Notch there were 10 people who voted the earliest and of the 0, 5 voted for Obama while 5 voted for Romney.

By now elections teach us that people's will is a power no one can thwart.  If someone does thwart it sooner or later the people will do everything to be heard. In the meantime, we await the result of USA election especially the Americans' choice of their President and Vice-President.

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