If the United States, the elderly and the senior citizens and other volunteers played a great role in making sure the election is truly genuine and democratic, other countries rely on teachers and assigned personnel to serve during the duration of the election. Teachers must be heard as to how they go about their tasks and that they be genuinely acknowledged for the commitment they possess. 

If asked we can almost hear from the teachers the wish that what has happened in the most recent election of the Americans which lasted for barely a day or two will happen to a certain extent in the Philippines It may just be a wish for the moment but with time  when the people themselves become politically matured then the wish may become a reality.

So do not lose hope fellow mentors, time may be an enemy sometimes but it can become our best friend when the right time comes along.

Events of the world tell us that elections matter especially when the country that elects its leaders is USA. For Filipinos for example and I am one of them I like Obama to be reelected. One reason is because my daughter was able to avail of the International Visitors Leadership Program that allowed her to visit USA. Another reason is because Obama represents an everybody's wish to experience USA either as a tourist or as an immigrant. Others may add their own reasons but we know that regardless of who wins, USA is a friend of the Philippines and vice versa.

So at 2:00 or 2:15 a.m., November 7, here is this blogger sharing to the world through her blog her enthusiasm to know who is going to become the next USA President. CNN says it is a tight race because all the polls show that while Obama leads it is not a big lead: Obama 49 vs. Romney 46 or in some cases even a tie. Today shares that in Dixville Notch there were 10 people who voted the earliest and of the 0, 5 voted for Obama while 5 voted for Romney.

By now elections teach us that people's will is a power no one can thwart.  If someone does thwart it sooner or later the people will do everything to be heard. In the meantime, we await the result of USA election especially the Americans' choice of their President and Vice-President.

In every family, the main topic, at least in the Philippines, when it is June or November is enrollment. June is the beginning of the school year so for the elementary and high school students, the whole year is set for their school life. For the college students, June to October is the first semester and come November it is the second semester.  Nowadays however, especially in the college level, the enrollment is slow or is it the students who are slow in coming?

Teaches are still worried when students do not come because we need the young to be lifted up and become better in all aspects. There seems to be laxity in encouraging the young to go to school. The parents want to do their share but finances deter them from showing enough approval. Then there are the peers of our young who seem to engage in many things and sadly not aligned with education. Some of them become pregnant either early in the semester and their grades leave many mentors shaking their heads.  Teachers have the tendency to compare the young with the past generations and it cannot be helped but the present generation is preoccupied with a variety of involvements, a big part not exactly good for their educational development.

It is enrollment time again but the students are slow in coming and we know that the answers are more complex than what we can see.

CNN always makes me think. As a teacher, CNN is one of my major sources of new information and updates. With the US elections about to happen on November 6, two episodes caught my attention in CNN, namely Romney Revealed and Obama Revealed shown consecutively. If I were an American voter, the data presented were very informative. I have my own choice of course but for this blog it is good to know that Obama and Romney were presented as human like us. 

One of the highlights that touched my heart was the fact that both great leaders are loving husbands to their wives and parents to their children. This is one perspective that sets the leaders apart from some of the leaders we have in other countries. May there be more of their kind.

There seems to be a great need for leaders who are human yet humane. Nowadays there is greater need for transparency especially when the future of a people greatly rests on their hands. Leaders are persons who are given the rare opportunity to serve others and their impact is so huge their influence is beyond the ordinary.

May I congratulate CNN for such admirable programs. May the American vote accordingly. I think I am an "American" by heart notwithstanding that I am a Filipino in word and in deed.

Anderson Cooper of CNN is currently interviewing the nurse, nurse for 26 years, who helped evacuate babies during Superstorm Sandy. This alone is one lesson learned: she was doing her job she says but she tried to do her job well and quickly added, it was a team work and not her alone- humility in action.

Gary Tuckman reported about a man who did not give a helping hand to a mother whose two sons were left in their vehicle. While the man explained his side, still a lesson can be learned from this scenario, that regardless of one's situation, one has to help even if Tuckman did comment the law does not call it a crime NOT TO HELP.

What has happened in New York, New Jersey and the rest of the world is another learning lesson: that the world is a temporary residence and as such, we have to be prepared in a spiritual manner. Today, All Soul's Day and yesterday, All Saints' Day are learning dates to imprint in our minds and hearts which the Scripture captures with depth: "Death is like a thief in the night".  If there is one lesson we can always treasure it is the gift of giving one's life through sheer generosity and volunteerism that even death is no longer a fearful event but a hope that greater life which has no end may jut be waiting the giver and the volunteer.

"May the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen."

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