Day in and day out we go about our activities nary a glance what the weather has to say. Then, rain comes or extreme heat disturbs our comfort, still we do not allow ourselves to be sidetracked by weather. Finally, typhoons announce the gravity of its destruction and finally too it got your attention.

Indeed, the weather teaches us things we take for granted. For one, man, the steward has not been very good in his job at taking care of the environment. This negligence accrues and manifests itself in the weather which does not function as scheduled. Experts charge it to climate change.

Secondly, the weather makes man grateful. After all, weather can refer to good days which go our way. There is "manna from heaven" so to speak.

Thirdly and lastly, the weather announces ahead of time what good or bad tiding is to come. It advises us to be ready before it is too late.

Thus, let us give more attention to the weather.  Find out what it wants to say. Acknowledge it and pray it will make your day.


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