What makes teacher tick?

Years of teaching can be an advantage when dealing with various kinds of pupils or students but only to an extent. Nothing beats the charism of the teacher who really "ticks". This is a gift one has to work for so many years. Others learn the hard way while others have it as if to prove that others are born to become teachers. So, what makes teachers "tick"?

In the course of learning the hard way myself and being a teacher for more than thirty(30) years now, teachers tick because of the following: 1) they love what they do so their eyes glow while they teach, their enthusiasm oozes; 2) they are multi-talented; they possess multiple intelligences so while they teach, their senses are open to where the learners are so if they observe that some are "bored" and need action songs, they ask if there is need to stop what is being done, for an ice breaker. If the reponse is positive, they belts out a song and show the actions that go with it. 3) they are eager "beavers" themselves so there is no end to their quest for something new so when the current trend to go "computer" or go twittering or go blogging they as are game; and 4) they are fun to be with so laughter is a solution to the unavoidable lull in sessions that are so "heady".

The four scenarios indicated above do not alone comprise all the qualities of the teachers who "tick" and "click" but the message is loud and clear: Teachers can always become one if they do decide. After all, they survive the minimal salaries they receive; they manage to laugh amidst the many things to be done at home and in school; they attend seminars and conferences to update and upgrade their capabilities while laden with financial and emotional challenges at home and in school.
As to the question then why do teachers "tick"? They just do period.


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