Brittany Murphy dies at 32 years young

Death is inevitable. For some it is later while for some it is now. Still, when someone very young passes away, a lingering doubt overcomes us. Questions abound and to a certain extent, we wish bad people die instead of someone still blossoming and finding mark in life.

Many Hollywood stars die just when they are at the pinnacle of their careers: Michael Jackson, Farrah Fawcett, Patrick Swayze and very recently, Brittany Murphy. Brittany is only 32 years young. Like Michael Jackson, Brittany's death is charged to medical problems; the former injected with propofol while for the latter, rumored use of cocaine or late stage of diabetes. Nothing has been confirmed yet so investigation is on-going.

For us ordinary mortals, this is a reminder that problems come to anybody regardless of status. We can therefore learn to count our blessings and stay close to our respective families. Have you told your spouse, your children, your grandchildren, you love them? Don't waste time. Do so now.


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