To formalize our cooperation and interest in the Climate Change Conference, we referred to UN's Cop 15 through Google's help and voted for the need to do something and tell the leaders to" seal a fair and effective climate deal".

We are not yet sure to join the You Tube questions pool but at the moment our question goes like this: With all the plans of United States of America to add more troops to Afghanistan and all the unemployment among Americans and in the rest of the world, even worse financial challenges, how can Climate Change initiatives take off much less sustain it?

Back here in Malaybalay City where Bukidnon State University is, Accreditation begins tomorrow, December 7 up to December 10. Like "Climate Change Conference", the university will have four full days to prove its "level three" preparedness in giving quality education.

This tells us that life goes on and the challenge to do something with our environment is as important as ever, notwithstanding the many other points of interest that go with well-rounded education.


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