"Once a Girl Scout Forever a Girl Scout" is the mantra of every registered girl scout. Now that the Girl Scouts of the Philippines, Bukidnon Council is 57 years old, it is time once again to come home . . . "Balik Scouting"!!!
Let the countdown begin up to December 30 - our "Balik Scouting" Day Celeb. Let us renew friendships; relive the patrol system; rekindle the Girl Scout spirit; reminisce the unforgettable camping, training moments; revisit the good, old days.
So, titas, call GSP Office phone number: (088)8134332 or cell number 09194047034 for all the details. Reserve December 30, Wednesday, for your fellow Girl Scouts, 1:00 - 5:00 p.m.This early, overhaul your memory boxes/bags and look for those photos, mementos and bring them all on December 30. Remember you will be grouped by patrols. Contests will range from yells to cherished pictures etcetera. Door prizes are at stake too!
57 yells and cheers to Girl Scouts of the Philippines, Bukidnon Council. Bukidnon, Bukidnon, Bukidnon Council, 57 more years or more to come!!!


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