Usually, heroes do not like to be honored for that's what being a hero is all about - to "die" for someone without counting the cost. Humans, as we are however, we need recognition not for the fame but for others to be inspired and do the same. Our very own hero from the Philippines, Efren Penaflorida, related how difficult life was in a place where there was danger and poverty. Others have died in the course of the struggle but others were brought" back to life" and were guided by volunteers. His project was known as "pushcart" or "kariton" school and was giving education to the children for more than ten years.

Efren said this after receiving his trophy: "I praise God for every selfless Filipino, every child, every dedicated volunteer." To the children: "Please embrace learning for it will embrace you back."

There were ten heroes all over the world who were honored but we know it was Efren Penaflorida who bested them all. Now, teachers do not find it difficult to mention Efren as one good role model. In my own classroom, I requested my Peace Education students to research more about Efren's Dynamic Team Company. In fact during the Education Week of the College of Teacher Education, Bukidnon State University, some of them memorized the excerpts of Efren's talk which Efren delivered when he was declared CNN's Hero of the Year.

While we are in this gut-wrenching feeling not of disgust but of delight since we are inhaling the air of generosity and selflessness, we come back to where we are. Begin there. You are a hero in your own home however simple your role is.

May this season of Christmas light the darkness of despair and indifference. Thank you CNN for giving enough coverage to all the CNN heroes.


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