Sometimes, it is difficult to catch up with updates that come from the government since Martial Law was declared in Maguindanao, Philippines. Especially so, when the historical joint session of the House of the Senate and Congress was convened precisely to find out the validity of such declaration. Just when the senators and congressmen showed off their expertise and usual bickerings, and they just began; we hear Martial Law would be lifted tonight at 9:00 o'clock.

By Monday, both houses will find it "moot and academic"to go on deliberating for additional 5-8 hours because what they will talking about has been lifted. Truly, it is a very filipino style of Martial Law. Our filipino brothers and sisters in Maguindanao were shown cheering upon hearing the good news. Although am sure they do not understand fully well what their cheer is all about.

My thoughts got diverted to hostage takers in Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur and then another group of hostage takers in Basilan. How I wish Martial Law is declared in places where these people abound. They should be brought to justice immediately with all their victims present to confront them! Really, our imagination goes haywire when violence is done to innocent victims.

With barely 13 days more to go before Christmas, how can the event mean something with all the chaos and uncertainty? You must view "Under one sky" if it will be replayed by ANC. Prepare your heart for every scene there captures the heart-rending pain family members shared. TV episodes, like this, should be played again and again so that we would never forget the Ampatuan Massacre.

To my English 136, Education 138, Education 129 and NSTP 102 students in Bukidnon State University, let us forge the pact so that through we have a common ground to express our concern for our brothers and sisters who need our prayers and our care however minimal it is.


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