Cynicism has become a common trait of modern man. Am sure the cynics who are watching the on-going procession today, January 9, (Saturday) of 2.4 - 3 million Filipinos, from Quirino Grandstand to Quiapo are wondering why there are so many who join it. This is not to say that even those who aren't cynics do not have the same reaction. So we ask: why are their devotees who go to such length whether for the Black Nazarene or another feast like Easter?

One explanation: Believers express their faith not only through word but through action as well especially when the feast is being celebrated. When Pope Paul VI came to the Philippines in the '70's, we, the catechists, began our vigil for the Pope's visit at dawn. When the Vicar of Christ was finally in front of us - of me - I cried and cried with joy. My feeling was that Jesus appeared before me. This leads us to the next point.

Second explanation: Filipinos, once they put their heart, are willing to die for the cause. They sometimes forget the danger that may arise. In this procession, a number got hurt, 400 plus have been hospitalized. So far, two died. Such fervor perhaps can be redirected for something more productive.

Third explanation: Today is only one day so I join some analysts who acknowledge the beautiful expression of one's faith but after the procession, what is next? Will the believers go back to their usual routine? Is their devotion part of their daily means of livelihood? If it is, then one's devotion to the Black Nazarene is indeed faith in action.

Let us not forget that God is not only felt during procession but in the most ordinary experience of life. The Statue of the Black Nazarene is a statue but the faith of the devotee goes beyond the statue and experiences the symbol who is Jesus, the Nazarene. We have only to look around to see the faces of the members of our family. Do you take care of their needs if you are a parent? If you do, it is as though you have your own procession too which lasts a lifetime.


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