"I Love You, Man", "Confessions of a Shopaholic", "Obsessed", "The Secret Life of Bees ", "Changeling", "Bride Wars" and if our eyes will still hold up: "The Accidental Husband", "Imagine That" and "Soloist" - 9 films in one day!!!!!!!!! A marathon of films on the first day of January, 2010 - right in our living room. The sponsor of this session is my only girl but my youngest son and I join as audience. At the back of my mind is the wishful thinking my two other boys are here with us too. Now it dawns on me that life will turn out like this sooner or later but in this case, sooner - my children are grown up and therefore it is time to let go.

The whole day of the first day of the year was spent just being at home - together. The films made us laugh together; cry together; smile together; shout together; sing and dance together. The messages of the films inspired us too.

How about your first day of the year? How did you spend it?

May this year be great, fantastic, prolific for every family all over the world.


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