Catastrophes, announced and unannounced, have become man's reminders that we are still on earth. Through these disasters the best of man's generous trait is shown. Like the one in Haiti, where no less than the two previous US presidents, Bill Clinton and George Bush launch a Fund Raising for Haiti - this diplomatic endeavor made possible with the invitation coming from the incumbent United States President, Barack Obama! You cannot find it somewhere else except in USA.

The on-going rescue operations also manifest how all the other counties have come to help: Cuba, China, Spain, among others, became one in helping all for goodwill. It is another reminder that we are in one earth. To help Haiti is also to help the world for Haiti is the way the other half of the world is living.

One shocking commentary: dead bodies litter in the streets of Haiti, dogs are "eating" or "attacking" it. If your insides do not "revolt" when you hear this, nothing can. So for us who may not be able to help financially now try to do so, however minimal and together let us pray that Haiti will survive this calamity. Filipinos too should include their six (6) countrymen who are also trapped under damaged buildings. Already the Philippine government has sent a contingent to aid them.

In the end: We are all our brothers' keepers.


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