Kaamulan is a yearly celebration in Bukidnon, Philippines. "Kaamulan" is a Bukidnon term for "gathering". We have so many reasons to gather especially these days when "election fever" is upon us and more importantly when all my children have come home to witness the "Street Dancing" competition on March 6, 2010 and to be together as a family.

What used to be ordinary situation when our children are under our care, their presence is easy to expect. It becomes more difficult when one by one they graduate and find their "place in the sun". They leave "the nest" and prefer to stay in bigger cities where they rent a room and live independently. Gone are the days when they can come home anytime because they have their own commitments. While all these changes are happening, we cannot but just pray for their safey and success in all their undertakings.

Now we wonder no more because this is the path we also went through before we became parents ourselves. In the meantime, Teacher's teacher just wants to savor these few days of togetherness, no money can compensate.

Let this "Kaamulan 2010" become your "Kaamulan" too.


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