Last May 25, 1981 the Patriarch of the Sabana clan returned to his Maker. Later, June 18, 1990, the Matriarch died. As orphans, the eight (8) siblings held on to family unity through their love and care for each other. Their eldest, Engineer Renz served as their anchor and leaven so through the many years, the clan held on to each other.

It was but appropriate then that when the new home of Malaybalayan and Teacher's teacher became a reality - May 25 was a good date to bless it. Expect some photos to vouch for this.

Death anniversaries are solemn moments while house blessings are joyous events. In the case of Malaybalayan and Teacher's teacher, her family learned from both occasions life's realities: pain and blessing. Over and above, the family celebrates the life of each one now made more meaningful having found their niche in this simple, small but love-filled home.


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