Would you believe a classmate of mine came to my doorstep - with me not remembering who she was. It was because she looked so professional and sexy at the same time! Expect a photo with the two of us in it and have a grand time deciding who is better looking!!!(Just joking)

2010 minus 1970 equals 40, yes 40 years being apart. This seems to be the trend - the feeling of retracing roots. This visitor of mine literally went around to look for us, her classmates. We decided to have a reunion this coming December. Do you have similar plans with your own batch?

Scenarios, like this, put a smile in my lips and tears in my eyes. Even 40 year separation seems not too long ago. Our features have matured but our warm and candid pleasantries are as alive and rejuvenating as ever it beats any so-called "dope" (not that we have tasted one at all). Then my attention was drawn to the present situation I am in: I really do not feel good with some people in my office. How do you try to cope with his/her presence you do not like at all. In my case, I just offer it as one of my crosses and look constructively at it. After all, five years more to go and I hope to retire and focus my attention to my travels and my garden.

So friends in blogosphere, let us organize ourselves to a support system. Let us comfort each other through our blogs and cope with the travails of everyday living. Word of comfort for me, anyone??? I will look forward to it.


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