What is it about travelling that really gets us going?
From my end, it is the new adventure and the "thud" in your heart especially when you face the immigration officers who look "mean" and go around the new environment with complete dependence on your tour guide. Then just when you decide to let go of the newness of it all, the scenery before you makes you wish all of it can be replicated back home.
Take a look at some of these awesome sites . . . and we do acknowledge the "developed" country that Singapore is and Kuala Lumpur too.
Yet for us who have lived for more than half a century, we get to give more importance to realities that truly matter: love of family with the children as the people dearest to your heart and one's home where everything natural is - the feeling that in it is the genuine belongingness and being who you truly are.
So to get back to the question: what is it about travelling that gets you going? It is basically to get away but only for a short time and travel back home to come home to stay.


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