How do we make sense with loss of life other than natural death is the question foremost in the minds of families who lost their loved ones through death penalty, heinous crimes and the like? How do we make sense with  the loss which by itself is senseless and if ever has basis, the life of a human being should have ample strength to get more significant weight over all other issues at hand? 

Due to the internet, especially Google, it is already one's ignorance if you cannot surf once in a while if only to update one's awareness. Part of this move however is to ask questions, one of which is the present one: How do we make sense with loss of life/lives other than natural death? We are all stuck right there in our living room or kitchen or internet cafes brooding, thinking and sighing why all these phenomena are still happening in 2011.  Then we realize, for as long as every person refuses to go beyond instinct, materialism, egoism, cannibalism and plain sinful tendencies, man will go on answering the questions as long as it takes.


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