The once Chief of Philippine National Police and later became and still is a Senator of the Republic of the Philippines Senator Panfilo Lacson, decided to flee the country and stayed in hiding for a year since January 2010. His name was dragged in the unsolved murder cases of Dacer and Corbito. and when he felt he would not have the justice he wanted  in a regime where he did not believe in, he just disappeared. Then recently we heard his side of the story why he has come back and is determined to "face the music".

For ordinary citizens, the question arises: How do we understand the revelation of Senator Lacson, now that he has resurfaced and has decided to become Senator of the Philippines once again notwithstanding the cases hurled against him?  Teacher's teacher advances some points of reference:
One: Listening to Senator Lacson during his press conference this March 28, 2011, reminds us how a person goes through some trials alone. Friends can help but the pain that hits the innermost part of one's being is the person's alone and no one elese's.
Two, Reflecting on what he called his burdens-that he washed dishes, cooked his meals, baked some recipes, hid inside the house most of the time and the like - the lonely state is sometimes too much to bear.
Three:Humility is always a difficult virtue to accept and do but there are moments that it becomes the meaning behind the story.

How do we understand the revelation of Senator Lacson? We understand only to the extent that you are either open to the possibility it can happen to you or has already happened or is about to happen. To understand is not just a matter of knowing up in the head but in the heart as well and who knows - in one's walk daily. Judgment is not our territory but God's so how do we understand one issue is to allow it to take the course of time for if there is anything that happens it is that which has to happen when its time comes. We are all human beings who have a mission to fulfill sometimes easy and sometimes difficult. 

Teacher's teacher can only pray for the good Senator to live up to the special mission bestowed on him by his constituency. Let us pray for each other so that the truth will come out not only for the Dacer and Corbito families but to the Filipino people who need genuine leaders and role models.


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