According to experts, tsunami occurs when there is sudden movement at the bottom of the sea thereby causing friction of the "fault" and forcing the waves to move upward to as high as it can go. In the case of Japan, the 8.9 magnitude is the intensity of the movement and the waves that went up, went as high as 100 plus miles upwards. The data may be simplistic so may not be as scientific as it was intended but it would suffice to say that great damage had been done. When CNN showed it, the boats, the buildings, all other objects that got on its way were literally turned into rubble or were pushed to as far as it came from.

The "science" of everyday life, however, does not dwell much on the physical movements that go down under water. Rather, it focuses on the depth of realization that haunts every believer and drives him/her to question the extent of preparedness to meet the Maker if the tsunami were to happen and death was inevitable,
Teacher's teacher is trying to make something of both if only to stay sane and hopeful that things happen to remind us that this world is not meant to become perfect. Only that which is perfect can become one.

The call is always upon us to face our own "tsunamis" in life especially now that even the nuclear plant of Japan has caught fire.The challenge is now more intense since many countries will be affected, if not geographically then economically. Underdeveloped countries, like the Philippines, will always suffer more the consequences like oil increase which will now a valid reason to go on increasing.

While attention is on tsunamis,  we should not totally forget another "tsunami" - kind of problem in Libya. The turmoil may not be about water but the anger and dissatisfaction of the Libyans towards their leaders. The Filipinos, who were forced to leave Libya, had to come home to a country where they felt they do not have good future in terms of employment if they had their way, they would have remained in Libya even it e was dangerous.

Life tells us that science or not, the one gift which should never be taken for granted is every person's life. For what it is worth: We are made  in the image and likeness of the Creator of everything.


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