Shalom, My Fellow Sojourner

Expect to see excerpts of Teacher's teacher "book" about Peace. In fact its title is "Shalom My Fellow Sojourner". Hopefully,other authors can comment a thing or two.May this zest to share hold. 

You see, the news that bombards us day in and day out sometimes negates the very root of our being. This being said, there seems to be some power over and above and beyond us that keeps pushing the remnants of the fire to hold on to the humaneness and goodness that is latent in the core so let it be.

So, Shalom My Fellow Sojourner . . .

If there comes a moment of despair
There comes too, a moment of repair
Life seems to paint so many patterns
There are those that catch one's chagrin
But more that makes us grin
So we go the mile Fellow Sojourner
We nod with all that confirms life firmer
Am for it, I pray, you too!


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