Try to dig deeper into this saying: "Teachers, like leaves, everywhere abound; effective teachers, like fruits, are rarely found." Perhaps the analogy is a little exaggerated for there are effective teachers as  many as the leaves but teachers who really walk their talk all the time are rarely found like the fruits of trees which rarely produce fruit.
This was one saying that my students felt had much substance and gave them inspiration to strive and become an effective teacher even if it means a quest for a lifetime. Many in fact, opted to begin as mere teachers and as years give them the experience and the wisdom find themselves becoming  effective as their own colleagues superiors and students confirm in their remarks and evaluations.

Yet it just hits me: does it really matter? Aren't there more important things to pursue like becoming better spouses or parents or friends? But then why not all these plus become an effective teacher as well? Fellow mentors, pause for a while and give it some thought - and someday - let teaching be the way to a much better future, for the young minds and the whole of humanity.


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