Looking at the new set-up of e blogger tells me loud and clear what is the tone of this blogspot's contents. Nowadays, one day seems to roll by and all the events seem to get cramped and remain unreflected.

Take the landslide in Bukidnon, Philippines where there were victims. My own son experienced the pain of his friend who lost his wife in that dreadful event. This friend has two children so the tragedy leaves him the inevitable responsibility of taking care of the children.

Inside the classroom, the sad plight of students continue. One class for example, all the students failed in a long test because they were reckless in answering, over and above they never took the time to read the notes thoroughly. One scenario is tainted by death while the other is tainted by loss of interest. Where does that leave the onlooker? the teacher who is worried over any condition that destroys the good future?

This coming Friday, July 15, some 300 freshman students taking Education will compose the audience of an orientation. Teacher's teacher who happens to be the chairperson of the Program committee posted the theme for the said activity: "Freshman year well lived makes every college life worth the wait." Do you agree? Any freshman anyone? Teacher's teacher would like to hear from you. Do write your own analysis of the theme.


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