If one looks hard enough, one finds the disparity of opportunities given to persons. But if one really looks hard enough, we are all equal in the school called life. Our teacher is the same: life as it unfolds.

For the parents the lingering pain is how to deal with the gradual departure of the grown children from the one fold of the family. The earlier a parent accepts this inevitable separation, the better for the child and the parent. Today, for example, Malaybalayan could only hug and say good luck to a beloved son who has to leave for Davao City because a job interview is in the offing. It is painful but it is good news for before long, even the separation is part of the love you have to give, even if it means letting go.

The teacher in each of us is a gift that the school of life generously grants every well-meaning citizen of the world. So, let it be; let us all enroll in the university of life. Everyone becomes both the learner and the teacher: a rather unique blend and no money involved for once.


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