Why must it be cable television and not just regular tv? and why should it be particularly important for the elderly?
For one, cable tv keeps on running even after 12:00 p.m. unlike regular tv that ends with its sign off feature.So for the elderly it means staying up through the night and waiting or dawn in silence, nothing to lull her to sleep. 
Two, there are repeats and so whatever was not seen entirely during the day because of he demands of work will be seen again this time leisurely now that it is past nine or ten or eleven or twelve or one a.m. or two a.m. or three a.m. or four a.m. . . another day . . . another time spent for the day's chores . . .
Those who are not yet elderly, take it form someone who has finally reached it: sleep comes difficult and should it come, it is only for a few hours and it is only with the help of miracles from God that somehow another day comes by sleep or no sleep.
For you out there then who are young and are already bored with life, think again. Take the rare opportunity of being young and live it to the fullest. do not hurry up to grow old. Savor every moment and bloom to your full capacity. Why spend all these chances that come but once to drugs, cigarette smoking, drinking liquor and wasting the night away in bars and questionable night spots? Desiderata reminds you: "Take kindly the counsel of the years . . . nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortunes . . . You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars you have a right to be here . . . With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world . . . Be happy.
As an aside, Google informs us that Desiderata was originally written by Max Ehrmann which for this blogger was a poem written by an anonymous. Now, this anonymous has a name: Max Ehrmann.  Rev. Frederick Kates of St. Paul's Church in Baltimore used tis poem in his devotional materials A.C. 1692 just as we still use it today, more than ever.
For this blogger, cable tv reaches her abode via Parasat for she is here in Malaybalay, Bukidnon, Philippines.
Now, it is already 3:38 A.M. and this blogger is awake.It is good to watch CNN with Piers Morgan then Talk TV then AXN, Blue Blood then 2nd Avenue, Parenthood then Lotus Macao, channel 50, Michael Douglas film.
Thank you inventors for cable tv. Good night or is it Good morning!


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