We are created equal but along the way, especially in our careers, we have bosses and with their presence, an additional baggage is thrashed on you. This gets more complicated when these bosses who are part of the system of management are those you do not like at all. So how do you deal with them?
Google articles give so many tips, some of which are directed to cubicle warriors. Outlast the boss, vent in a safe place and focus on your performance are some of the thought-provoking ways to get by.   
But wait! why do we not like our bosses - not like as against hate - when they are just doing their jobs? This is the crux of the matter. The first reflection point always goes back to us. Are we sure we are the only ones who feel this way? What if the bosses do not also like us. Can you imagine their dilemma too? So this is the way to handle the feeling: feel for the other party and before you know it, the intensity of not liking the boss is greatly minimized.  
Feelings are real and fickle so we should not put so much intensity on it. Ventilate. Experience your catharsis but always, get the proper perspective. Bosses need the same ventilation and catharsis. If only we see this then we need not dislike them too much.
The last point is in order. If the focus is on you and not on your boss: your performance and not on the face of your boss, life becomes bearable. Diplomacy can work hand in hand with your new found course of action.
How do you deal with bosses whom you do not like? Deal with yourself  first and before you can entertain the  negative feeling, you have overcome it after all. Life is more than all the bosses in the world who do not deserve the best in you. Smile fellow workers!


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