If there is one things this blogger would like to have it is a television set with a capability to record what is worthy to be viewed again and again. Take the situation in New York. What is the implication  of "occupied Wall Street". Then take the most recent shocking news - death of Gaddafi. What are the repercussions of such death - of a leader who had everything in terms of power and fame - yet was killed by the very people he "served"? 

By the way, have you accepted the fact that right in our living room is the source of much information - the tv set? While you are cleaning your home, preparing meals or just sitting down while taking your snacks, you switch on the tv - make sure it is cable - you have before you the world. You become witness to how it is coping with any thing and every thing every other person is going through here, there and everywhere! Can you imagine if you can record all these and see it again, very slowly, ponder upon its nuances and contribute your own share in whatever capacity. Oprah used to give this kind of tv set many times so this Christmas, this blogger has some tv canvassing to do as to what tv set has this feature unless someone out there has read this log and would like to tell me how to get one???

As a teacher, events - like "occupied Wall Street" and "death of a dictator, Gaddafi" - confirm once again what greed can do to many who are struggling to live with bare minimum and how power can destroy anybody who uses it as an end not a means.

Then we come back to where we are and ask: Have I contributed to the misery of my family and community? Have I done enough to control my anger or tendency to manipulate others thereby promote peace among family members and colleagues?

Let us begin small and let us begin where we are . . . Shalom!


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