My daughter uses Apple computer so she can say with authority how unique the product is. We will not dwell on the superior quality of Apple computer but on the life of Apple's CEO for a long time: Steve Jobs. He dies at the age of 56, not so young but not so old.

For those who have not finished college life, Steve Jobs is an inspiration. He founded Apple. This proves once again that "some people are schooled but not educated". While going to school is always important, it is really what we get from all the class discussions that matter. As a teacher, my heart goes out to those who really go to school with love and care. Some of my students share how happy they are for being able to go to college amidst poverty.

Steve Jobs has many counterparts among filipinos. Perhaps you have already met one. We can also say, Steve Jobs has counterparts among persons of different cultures and races. After all we are made by one God so it is no wonder. Rest in peace Steve Jobs. Your life may have ended but your legacy which is topped by humbleness amidst triumph is a legacy that will last forever.


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