One's nationality is not the sole source of becoming a hero but one's humanity. Efren Penaflorida is Filipino and the first CNN Hero and now Robin Lim,Filipino-American working in Indonesia is another CNN hero. Life is what you make of it and all other trimmings are just ways of helping you out in doing better at what you are doing.  

This is life's teaching moment: heroism begins in one's heart: the desire to reach out to others and in so doing find one self. We have many heroes in the world: foremost are our parents who love us unconditionally. More admirable are parents who become parents not because they bear the children but through adoption become the parents of the children. Whatever is your state in life, what matters is to live life to the fullest and hero or not, you have ultimately speaking, become hero in your own right.

To all the heroes, God be with you! Thank you God for giving them to mankind.


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