How many times do we see all these unexpected deaths and a long list of the missing once a calamity strikes and always we can only gasp at how painful this causes to those concern and to happen few days before Christmas. Moments, like this,are those teaching moments when nothing can fill the pain and gnawing pain that every member of the family feels. No amount of empathy can replace the emptiness that is now lingering in the hearts of children, fathers,mothers who lost their parents, children or relatives.

Teacher's teacher is at a loss how to express her concern in her own little way. Today is one attempt at doing something more concrete. She has volunteered to join Mindanaoan, BukidnononLine and Bukidnon Bloggers in their plan to go to Cagayan de Oro City, Mindanao Philippines and share whatever they can come up with and help. Do step us fellow bloggers and anybody out there who wants to help somehow. Contact us and together we can make the small things big enough to fill a void nobody can replace. It is part of the teaching insights we learn when we help in whatever capacity - no amount of material thing can replace the pain and emptiness that overpower the present emotional state of those experiencing the fatalities. Still, it is not the material things that matter but the capacity to reach out to others in their time of need that lives on and makes us hope for better things.

Typhoon Sendong  had come and left its devastation but the hearts of believers are kept alive by their faith. The many deaths and those who are missing left behind the imprints of unanswered questions why it must happen but the teaching reality stays: We move on because our Faith tells us. Somehow, in time, however long it may be - we receive our answers slowly and gradually accept why many of the truths are best "kept in one's hearts" as Mother Mary did when she could not understand.

To all the families who are in pain, please accept our prayers for your loved ones.


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