CNN featured live the event today: the last day (up to December 31?) of the U.S.troops in Iraq. Clicking on, all other networks carried the story. For us viewers all over the world, the feeling is a mixture of joy that a country has been given back its sovereignty but anxiety because Iraq will have to stand up to its plate. This makes any concerned citizen of the world to offer honor to a great country, the United States of America for every mission it offers to those in need. We may not always agree with what troops do especially when they seem to take over another territory but what if there is no U.S. aid in the form of its troops? Other countries shout their protests and we can understand why yet we now for a fact how others also shout louder their plea for help. Imagine the lives that have been offered in the name of freedom. 

Teachers, like me, bring this scenario to the classroom for deeper discussions. In my classes for example, especially in Peace Education, we feed it to the minds of the young leaders. The feedback is not exactly inspiring but at least the idea has been planted: We belong to one world so we must care even it all we could do is talk about it.

Whatever is your take of the troops especially the U.S. troops and all the other troops who came before,during and after, especially those who died for the cause, there is no way we can deny the fact that they cared and did something about it, at the cost of their lives and finances - amounting to billions of dollars. We, the viewers and fellow citizens of the same world pay tribute to all the troops- to the U.S. troops - and say with sincerity thank you for making the world a safer place to live in.


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