Any legislator to help elderly teachers?

Signature campaign might be in order and in this regard, this blog volunteers to be the forum for a possible legislation lowering the retirement age to 55 years old and a minimum of 10 years of teaching service whether in the private or government institutions. Why 55 years old? Ah, you need not reach55 to understand the plight. Experts tell us that life begins at 40 and your best at 50 so 55 is just about the ripe time to still avail of the remaining energy left in your system. Why 10 years in service? Ah, once you reach 50 and over, your body becomes more and more prone to leisurely movements. Imagine not falling asleep until dawn, like 2:00 or 3:00 a.m. and job demands you wake up at 6:30 to be ready for 7:30 a.m. class, agghhh! It is time to retire (retire to means, tire again?)

In Elderly Blues and Blows of we strongly recommend Senator Francis "Chiz" Escudero to pioneer our request for a legislation to the effect that 55 years old be the mandatory retirement age, with a minimum of 10 year service in either private or public educational institution. If it can also be indicated that our pension be higher and other benefits that will make our retirement years more productive and senior-friendly.

If you do sign up include your e-mail address and other details so we can send these data to the good senator and if there is need bring this up as one of the criteria for electing them or not this coming 2013 . . . Any first signature?


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