What a shock to see the video on tv that a Filipino caregiver slapped and mistreated a patient who has Alzheimer. Asa senior citizen and a teacher, I preferred to write under my blog as teacher and not under my blog as a senior citizen because the culprit is a Filipino caregiver and this is not a typical one. Filipinos are famous for their diligence and good bed manners and genuine care for the sick. The majority of Filipino workers especially those who work abroad are specifically chosen because they are very loving and tender. this s0-called Filipino caregiver must have a story to tell why he did what he did but is not the Filipino caregiver who works out there- away from home - caring and serving the strangers for the sake of the family he/she truly loves even to separate from them is painfully unbearable-bearable.

May the real culprit come out soon and explain to the majority of Filipino workers why bad actuation like the one did by this "sick" so-called "caregiver that this is definitely the "rotten" egg in a basketful of excellent eggs. 
For us teachers, this is one opportunity to remind the young under our care that wherever and whatever will become of them in the future, do it well and whether some look at them or not, there is nothing better than to be good and genuine in one's work.

So as a teacher may I explain to anyone out there that a person may be developed according to one's culture but other factors come in. One's love for work is honed according to how life treats the person. Each of us has much to overcome and trials can make us bitter or better. This genuine service to one's fellows is all the more deepened by one's religion or faith life.Basic among all these is one's family where as a child and growing up years, values have been planted and hopefully deepened through the years.

To the families who have been served poorly our apologies and a plea not to generalize because we are really good people. Philippines, humbly saying, is the only Christian country of Asia. We Filipinos, as a people are basically God-fearing but like any other human being, some of us have demons to fight. We definitely need salvation from the consequences of sin.

May you find in your heart to forgive . . . 


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