What a way to say, 62nd year old teacher teacher herself to to keep on teaching but really she must because the challenging of being a senior citizen and a teacher at the same time is taking its toll. If you visit her other blog, Elderly Blues and Blows, you can sense that she sleeps on a rocking chair to make her fall asleep and when morning comes, wake up and be ready for school!

This scenario is sometimes a cause of worry for her children because her bed is ready for her but then she prefers the rocking chair because it lulls her to sleep at the same time allows her to view her favorite television shows and facilitates early wake up time ready for school.

Now, more and more, Teacher's teacher is teaching herself to keep teaching perhaps for a year or two and then decide to "retire". She is mustering this strength to keep up with the routine that goes with active living.

Anyone out there who has the same dilemma? What are some tips to improve the way to overcome? In the meantime, this 62nd year old Teacher will keep teaching herself to keep teaching for sanity and purpose.


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