By now the world had already seen the damage done by Hurricane-Superstorm Sandy to New York, New Jersey and other places in the United States. By now we saw actually, physically or via cable television Sandy's wrath but in the same breath we also witnessed what this unfortunate event turned into Sandy's challenge to the victims who have accepted the pain and are now moving on to rebuild.

This is one of the shining moments - teaching moments - of the families who have lost their loved ones and through it all - even with tears in their eyes and with heavy heart go beyond the almost unbearable challenge of their lifetime. To a certain extent we can identify with their pain because wherever we come from in this world, pain, whatever form it takes, is pain and the same hearts bleed. This is the miracle that comes for amidst this purging experience is a person who looks up to the heavens and in the core of one's being lifts up to Someone who Cares Up There and Anywhere the depth and extent of what man not be worded.

We join the New Yorkers and all the residents of New Jersey in their struggle. Keep the Faith. At the end of the tunnel is a bluer sky and a limitless room for better things ahead.


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